Regain Self-Confidence with A Mommy Makeover

Dr. Shuster finds the process of restoring form and function for patients extraordinary. With 20+ years of surgical experience, he is able to rejuvenate and revitalize multiple areas of the body through a single transformative procedure: the mommy makeover. During your consultation, he will spend time to fully understand your anatomy and personal aesthetic wishes so that he can design the most appropriate treatment approach to help you reach your goals. There are times patients describe their results as looking even better than they did before getting pregnant.

Why Choose a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover produces dramatic results for women who have experienced lasting effects on their bodies after childbirth, which can often leave women with sagging breasts, loose skin and weakened, separated protruding abdominal muscles, and localized fat deposits. A mommy makeover can address all of these concerns at once, achieving a flatter stomach, fuller breasts, and better body contour. 

Sometimes liposuction is done as well. The most important aspect for Dr. Shuster is safety. For this reason, all of his mommy makeovers in Hollywood, FL are done in the hospital with a team that has worked with him for years. His patients have the option to spend a night recovering in the hospital for their convenience.

What’s Involved in a Mommy Makeover?

The mommy makeover combines multiple surgical procedures designed to target areas of the body typically affected by pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and weight loss. Dr. Shuster will work together with you to find the best combination of treatments to achieve your goals. He has spent years helping women regain their figures.

The actual procedures involved will vary, depending on a woman’s needs and goals; however, the most common procedures included in a mommy makeover in Fort Lauderdale are:

  • Tummy tuck: A tummy tuck allows Dr. Shuster to flatten the stomach, remove excess sagging skin, and tighten loose abdominal muscles.
  • Breast augmentation: This procedure utilizes breast implants to improve the size and shape of the breasts. If your breasts have deflated and lost volume after breastfeeding or weight loss, breast augmentation may be a good choice for you. Dr. Shuster specializes in transaxillary breast augmentation, which avoids a visible scar.
  • Breast lift: A breast lift addresses sagging breasts. If your breasts have started to droop or your nipples have started to move downward, you may benefit from this procedure.
  • Liposuction: Liposuction removes small areas of excess unwanted fat. After having children or losing weight, many women end up with areas of fat that they can’t seem to get rid of even with diet and exercise. Liposuction can help sculpt, contour, and refine these areas.


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Mommy Makeover Before & Afters

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Dr. Shuster and all his staff are wonderful, so warming and welcoming. They truly make you feel great from the first day to the day of surgery even after surgery. Dr. Shuster is the best plastic surgeon.

Gabriella M.

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Dr. Shuster’s Mommy Makeover Approach

Dr. Shuster takes a very well-thought-out approach to the comprehensive improvement of the postpartum body. As no two bodies are the same, he considers each patient’s framework and specifically how the pregnancy or weight loss affected them. He then determines how to restore their body.

In addition, Dr. Shuster uses a drainless technique for the tummy tuck and a minimal scar approach to the breasts. He also uses long-lasting local anesthetics to help with post-operative comfort.

Further, Dr. Shuster emphasizes a natural appearance to the belly button for his tummy tuck patients. This is very important to him and rare to find. He feels a natural belly button distinguishes a great result to all his tummy tucks and Mommy Makeover in Fort Lauderdale.

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Good Candidates for a Mommy Makeover

Dr. Shuster serves the Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale, and Miami, FL areas and regions all across South Florida. 

It is typical to wait at least 6-12 months after childbirth before considering a mommy makeover. 

Those who make good candidates for this procedure are women who:

  • Want to restore a slimmer, shapelier body after having children or losing weight
  • Are finished having children
  • Have already lost most of their baby weight and are at, or near, a healthy, stable weight
  • Are done breastfeeding and do not plan to breastfeed again

Mommy Makeover Surgery Details

A mommy makeover, while routine for Dr. Shuster, is an involved procedure. For safety reasons, Dr. Shuster performs this procedure in the hospital with a team who has worked with him for many years. General anesthesia is used, and the procedure typically takes anywhere from 4-6 hours to perform. 

A mommy makeover is a surgery, so there will be a scar. The extent of the scar will depend on the specific procedures you have done. For instance, a breast lift requires a longer incision than a breast augmentation alone.

Dr. Shuster has over 20 experience performing mommy makeovers in Fort Laurderdale & Hollywood, FL, and he uses advanced techniques that help ensure favorable healing. He always places incisions as inconspicuously as possible, and most patients end up with scars that are both faint and well-hidden.

Many patients choose to spend a night or two in the hospital for their ease and convenience to ensure the best care.

Recovery After a Mommy Makeover

Recovery from a mommy makeover is gradual and requires a good amount of downtime. Full recovery can take 4-6 weeks.

Dr. Shuster tells his patients to take it easy and be “a diva” for the first week — allowing their caregivers to take care of everything around the house while they rest and heal — and a little less of a diva the second week. During recovery, they should make sure that they have help and assistance with childcare. They should rest, relax, and limit their activity levels.

Walking around is good, but patients should not perform any strenuous activities or do any heavy lifting (including lifting a small child). At week two, they can go for longer walks, and after the third week can resume non-exertional activities. Light exercise can resume after 4-6 weeks.

We encourage our patients to call us anytime if they have any questions or concerns during recovery. We’re here to help, and we’d rather receive a call than have a patient develop a problem.

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Why Choose Dr. Shuster for your Mommy Makeover?

Dr. Bernard A. Shuster, MD, PA, is a board-certified, award-winning aesthetic plastic surgeon of the face, breast, and body in Hollywood, Florida, who has been in practice for 25 years. With the mommy makeover as a primary procedure, Dr. Shuster is well known for achieving exceptionally natural results. He caters specifically to discerning women who are seeking a more subtle, elegant outcome. Named Best Plastic Surgeon by Newsweek for 2021, Dr. Shuster provides total honesty, a warm personality, and consistently exceptional results. He and his team will take attentive care of you before, during, and after your surgery. We are proud to serve the Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale, and Miami areas and beyond. If you think Dr. Shuster is the right surgeon for you, we encourage you to research his techniques and visit us for a consultation.

Mommy Makeover FAQs:

What procedures are commonly included in a mommy makeover?

Can I have a mommy makeover if I haven't had children?

How long after childbirth should I wait before getting a mommy makeover?

Will there be visible scars after a mommy makeover?

What procedures are commonly included in a mommy makeover?

The procedures included in a mommy makeover can vary based on individual goals and needs, but they often involve breast procedures (augmentation, lift, or reduction) and body procedures (tummy tuck, liposuction, or body contouring).

Can I have a mommy makeover if I haven't had children?

Yes, you can have a mommy makeover even if you haven't had children. The term 'mommy makeover' refers to a combination of procedures often sought by women who have experienced pregnancy-related changes, but the procedures themselves are not exclusive to mothers.

How long after childbirth should I wait before getting a mommy makeover?

It's generally recommended to wait until you've fully recovered from childbirth, lost any excess pregnancy weight, and finished breastfeeding before considering a mommy makeover. This usually takes several months to a year.

Will there be visible scars after a mommy makeover?

Yes, there will be scars associated with the procedures in a mommy makeover. However, Dr. Shuster will work to minimize the appearance of scars and place incisions in inconspicuous locations whenever possible.

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