Liposuction Basics

Liposuction can remove stubborn fat in the abdomen, hips, buttocks, inner and outer thighs, cheeks, jowls, neck, back, bra area, and the upper arms. It’s important to note, however, that our method of liposuction in Fort Lauderdale is not a substitute for weight loss, and optimal results are seen when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise routine.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure performed to contour and sculpt various areas of the body by removing unwanted fat.

  • Fat cell removal with liposuction is permanent
  • Liposuction can be performed on several areas of the body during the same treatment 
  • The procedure may be performed in conjunction with other procedures like a tummy tuck, facelift, or lower body lift
  • For increased safety, Dr. Shuster performs surgery in the hospital. This also means he can safely perform more thorough liposuction in Hollywood, FL when combined with other procedures than surgeries performed in an office setting.


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Liposuction Before and Afters

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Dr. Shuster did a phenomenal job in regards to my breast and liposuction all over my body. He was very caring and professional. I highly recommend Dr. Bernard Shuster.”

Alya N.

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Who is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Shuster Plastic Surgery serves the Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale, and Miami, FL areas and beyond. Liposuction is well-suited for patients of relatively normal weight but who have isolated pockets of fat that cause certain areas of their body to appear disproportionate. These localized fat deposits typically do not respond to dieting or exercise.

Individuals who make good candidates for liposuction in Hollywood, FL are those who:

  • Would like to remove specific areas of fat
  • Are close to their goal weight
  • Do not have too much excess loose skin
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Dr. Shuster’s Liposuction Approach

Dr. Shuster aims to provide the most improved figure possible for every one of his patients. 

He knows that liposuction requires more skill and attention to detail than just simply removing fat— it’s also equally important to sculpt and shape the remaining tissue to provide the most elegant and natural shape. Dr. Shuster accomplishes this by using a highly refined body contouring method to achieve the desired shape, which is best described as “liposculpture”. He performs Power-Assisted Liposuction® (PAL) with the MicroAire® PAL Liposuction System. The PAL method is less traumatic to the body, which leads to less bruising and a faster recovery as well as smoother results from fat removal.

Types of Liposuction

The technique of liposuction that Dr. Shuster uses can best be described as “liposculpture.” This is a highly refined method of sculpting tissue to achieve the desired body contour. Dr. Shuster uses a variety of methods that best serve the individual patient’s unique features. These include the following:

  • Tumescent:

    After the patient is placed under general anesthesia, a dilute solution will be injected into a few inconspicuously placed incisions. Then, fine cannulas will be used to remove the fat.

  • Ultrasonic:

    Through the use of ultrasonic energy, fat is liquefied and suctioned out.

    • Power-Assisted Liposuction:

      The PAL method includes using a cannula that can move through tissue easily.

    • 360 liposuction:

      A comprehensive method that contours and shapes the body 360 degrees around to help the patient look toned, proportional, and contoured from every angle. Lipo 360 provides dramatic results for the correct candidates.

    What to Expect During the Procedure

    In most cases, Dr. Shuster performs liposuction as an outpatient procedure in the comfort and safety of Memorial Regional Hospital South. Liposuction is minimally invasive and can be performed in conjunction with other procedures.

    Near the treatment area, Dr. Shuster will make small incisions. Using these incisions, he will insert a cannula to administer a tumescent solution that is made of lidocaine and epinephrine, numbing the area and reducing the likelihood of bruising and bleeding.  

    A cannula is a long thin tube connected to a high-suction machine. It will be inserted into the incisions, where it will loosen the fat before removing it. There will be some mild pain and discomfort in the days following the procedure. This will be well-controlled with pain medications as needed. Your comfort is important to us.

    The technologies that Dr. Shuster uses have made liposuction in Fort Lauderdale a much safer and more comfortable procedure, improving accuracy, reducing recovery, and decreasing discomfort. 

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    Results from Liposuction

    By the third week following surgery, the swelling will be diminished enough for the results to start to show. However, your results will continue to improve as the remainder of the swelling resolves.

    Liposuction permanently removes fat from the affected area. As long as you maintain your weight, the results are permanent. There are fat cells that remain in these areas, as well as elsewhere in the body, and if you gain significant weight after your liposuction, these areas can enlarge.

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    Why Choose Dr. Shuster for Liposuction in Fort Lauderdale?

    Dr. Bernard A. Shuster, MD, PA, one of Newsweek’s Best Plastic Surgeons of 2021, has been in practice for over two decades. With a fantastic location between Fort Lauderdale and Miami, our boutique practice offers the highest quality results and an exceptional patient experience. We have a warm, friendly staff to make you feel comfortable, and we take care of you every step of your journey with us — especially during your recovery. Shuster Plastic Surgery is a leading choice for discerning women, and Dr. Shuster encourages prospective patients to review his work. We welcome you to contact us for a consultation.

    Liposuction FAQs:

    How much weight or fat can liposuction remove?

    Are there any scars associated with liposuction?

    Will liposuction result in permanent fat loss?

    Are there any risks associated with liposuction?

    Can liposuction be combined with other procedures?

    How much weight or fat can liposuction remove?

    Liposuction is best applied for those who are already close to their ideal shape or weight — not for those requiring significant weight loss.

    Are there any scars associated with liposuction?

    Dr. Shuster sutures even the smallest liposuction incisions, so the scar will be very inconspicuous. Once there is an incision, there is a scar. With his approach, we invite you to view his close-up liposuction results and try to find the scar.

    Will liposuction result in permanent fat loss?

    Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from the treated areas. However, it's essential to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to prevent remaining fat cells from enlarging. Significant weight gain after liposuction can affect the results of the procedure.

    Are there any risks associated with liposuction?

    As with any surgical procedure, liposuction carries certain risks, including infection, bleeding, fluid accumulation, changes in sensation, and uneven contouring. Choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced in liposuction can help minimize these risks.

    Can liposuction be combined with other procedures?

    Yes, liposuction is often combined with other cosmetic procedures such as abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), breast augmentation, or body lift surgery to achieve comprehensive body contouring results.

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