A woman’s breast may be her most sensual and personal feature. So it’s not surprising that requests for breast enhancement are among the most common in plastic surgery practices. Particularly popular are requests for younger, perkier breasts. This desire for full, youthful breasts has even stimulated the lingerie industry to develop and promote a whole line of “Wonder” brassieres. While these brassieres can do wonders for how a woman looks in clothing, they do not do much once they come off. New techniques in plastic surgery for lifting the breasts are producing better results than ever before and helping women keep their breasts up even after their bras come off.
Recent developments in plastic surgery of the breast make it possible to perform breast lifts, technically know as mastopexy, with shorter scars. These minimal incision techniques avoid the longer incisions which used to be necessary in the past. Such a minimally invasive approach is in large part what has lead to the increased popularity of procedures for rejuvenating the breasts. According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, over the past five years the number of breast lift procedures has increased over 210%.
These new techniques often make it possible to create fuller, perkier breasts for women even without the use of implants. By combining methods that have been developed in Europe and Brazil, it is possible to create fuller more youthful breasts for many women using their own breast tissue. For women whose breasts have sagged, the breast tissue is rearranged internally and supported in a higher position. This restoration of breast tissue higher on the chest can actually create the appearance of a fuller beast, something which in the past could only be accomplished with the use of implants. It essentially fashions an internal natural brassier and augments the breasts with a woman’s own tissue.
For some women, who may not have sufficient breast tissue for this internal breast suspension, an implant may be an appropriate choice. Continued improvements in breast implant technology are making breast implants safer than ever. While the majority of implants used today are saline filled implants, silicone gel implants are available as part of an ongoing FDA study for appropriate candidates. Last year 240,000 women underwent breast augmentation, either alone or in conjunction with a breast lift.
Today, thanks to continued advances in the field of plastic surgery, women have more choices and are achieving better results than ever before. This is particularly true with rejuvenation of the breasts where shorter incisions are available with natural and longer lasting results.